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Abba, Daddy!

“Earth's crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God, But only he who sees takes off his shoes;" ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Our visiting botanist, Bailey June, plucked this unidentified specimen from Cole Lake in Paris, Michigan. She enjoyed three trips there during this visit. We relished our month with her.

It has been an exceptional month of joy for our family. We've had much to celebrate: two college graduations, the passing of a medical board exam, the acquisition of a new job, the gathering of all our children and the witnessing of a holy covenant made, the echad/oneness of husband and wife.

Celebrating our son's marriage to his bride caused me to think longingly of the biggest and best party that will happen at the end of days, when everything is made new, Eden is restored and we drink and eat from the river and tree of life. We will be reunited with loved ones passed who were loyal to Yeshua/Jesus. We will live forever with the King of Kings in shalom shalom/perfect peace.

On this Father's Day, I think fondly of my dad, Bennie, a dozen years gone now. He lived like Moses at the burning bush--with his shoes off, aware of the gravity of God's presence all around. He worshipped the Creator and loved others well. I married a man much like my father. Scott has a servant's heart. He loves me like Messiah loves his bride, the church. He has led his children in the way they should go.

Scott with his sons--Aaron and Jacob--and daughters--Bailey June and Isabella. Our daughters-in-law--Hailey and Bailey--are not pictured. Sorry, I've been slacking with my camera.

“And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, 'Abba, Father.'" ~ Galatians 4:6

Aaron (left) and Dege doing one of their favorite things. Aaron spent some time in Northern Michigan catching smallmouth bass and other freshwater fish while Dege was fishing in Alaska catching Lingcod among other ocean fish. One of Aaron and Bailey's most unique and delicious wedding gifts was fresh frozen Alaskan catch from Dege.

While the boys were fishing, Scott, the girls and I were in Paris where our Brittany, Buck, pointed out these freshly dropped twin fawns. Bella quickly snapped the photo while Scott dragged Buck away. We all left quickly knowing momma wanted to reunite with her babies. Early the next morning, I saw a mother black bear and her cub. The cub was ON our deck! They didn't stay long. What a sight!

Our favorite Miniature Long Haired Dachshund, Gemma Jean, brought us much joy and laughter during her first trip to Paris. We couldn't resist making this slow-motion video of her romp in the field.

Bachelor party weekend, Buck had an appointment with the resident acupuncturist in the woods. Getting the porcupine quills out proved challenging. A rogue one made it home hiding on the underside of his muzzle. I had to sit on Buck while Scott firmly held his face as I removed this needle.

Left, Bella fell in love with Barn 1888 kitty, Whitey. Everything about this wedding venue was excellent! Dege and Bailey have a good laugh on the beautiful grounds after the rehearsal.

From the time we conceived them, Scott and I have prayed for each of our children to commit all their ways to the LORD including marrying well, which means a man/woman who is loyal to Jesus. Aaron's marriage to Bailey Wynalda on June 9, 2023, was the culminating answer to our prayers for him. The following four photographs were taken by the super-talented and friendly photographer Matt Horling.

Loved ones surrounded them as dear friend/Brother-in-the-LORD Devin Dunn led the covenant-making. We watched, consented verbally that we would support them, sang, smiled, cried and prayed.

Dear friends Drew and Mikayla led us in worship as we sang a beautiful Aaronic benediction together.

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron and Bailey Spry

Hailey and Jacob were wed two-and-a-half years ago. Aaron's elder brother, Jacob, has set a godly example for Aaron. His best-man speech was a testimony to his great love and respect for Aaron.

Aaron and Bailey's grandparents set the example for how to have a good time on the dance floor!

“We came here to party" ~ Someone's tattoo

This is my 99th blog. I have been blogging for four years and four months. When I began this entry, I lost my draft because my data had exceeded my storage limit. I was prompted to purchase more space or delete media to free up space. So I did a little decluttering. I take this as a sign that it's time to hit the pause button on my blogging and do some overall housekeeping: physical, mental, spiritual. For all who have encouraged me, thank you. I pray that the LORD uses this for the glory of His Kingdom.

Love, Shalom, L'chaim!

Shawn Spry Micah 6:8

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1 Comment

Devin Dunn
Devin Dunn
Jun 18, 2023

This was a beautiful tribute to your guys. Will miss your blogging.


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