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If you are reading this in time and are nearby and available, come show your support for tiny humans.

I have a lot of pre-made signs available. Dress well, it is supposed to be cold and windy:

Since 1987, the Life Chain has been a public witness of prayer and repentance, uniting the Church in solidarity against abortion, while boldly standing in the hope of Christ for North America. Take a couple hours out of your day and join thousands of Christians nationwide, praying and standing 10-feet apart, lining both sides of a major road. This peaceful, family-friendly visual that abortion is wrong and the Church is opposed to killing preborn children will be a message loudly heard. Here's more about it:


IF my boys--sons and hubbie--do not have success hunting this morning, I should see Scott on the sidewalk for Life Chain. You see, it is open season for bow hunting deer and so if someone gets one, there will be much fanfare and work to do. This is an annual ritual meant to fill our freezer with meat for the year. As meat eaters, we appreciate this clean, pasture-fed ruminant on our plates. Thankfully, over the years I have learned how to cook it well and use it in different recipes.

This rite is much more than sport to our family. Scott was raised on hunting by his father and has passed the skill on to our sons. Our daughters have had the opportunity but so far have not caught the bug. They do enjoy sitting quietly in the woods with their father.

Scott prepares to go bow hunting while Aaron has his sights set on waterfowl ~ October 2020

Being in a deer blind brings my husband much joy, surrounded by nature and the thrill of the hunt. Being with his father, sons, brother, nephews and friends provides fodder for great camaraderie and memories. I'm happy for him to have this and I also enjoy being in the woods at our Paris property. But I have no desire to wield a weapon. When I eat meat, I am thankful that I personally did not have to procure it.

What brings YOU joy?

Being surrounded by trees or near mountains? Being by or in a river, lake or ocean? Digging in the dirt? Planting seeds? Watching plants and children grow? Eating good food surrounded by friends and family? Babies, cooing and laughing? Children snuggling into you? Your cat curled up on your lap?

We have much for which to be jubilant! First and foremost that, if we are willing, God does not leave us how we are, but grows us more into the likeness of his son.

"Now the LORD is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is freedom." ~ 2 Corinthians 3:17

As we approach Thanksgiving, I am reflecting on the months past, present and future, and all with which the LORD has blessed me. I am reminded of a little chorus I learned as a girl: "Give thanks with a grateful heart. Give thanks to the Holy One. Give thanks because he's given Jesus Christ his son."

"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands." ~ Isaiah 55:12

Summer's End in Paris

Our Labor Day hurrah with the Hillary Family netted loads of fun and time outdoors. Scott added a tetherball pole to our yard, which has increased my joy and bruising. Who doesn't love a good tetherball game?!!! Actually, a lot of people, so I have learned. Oh well, it brings back great memories for me and has been the source of many a laughing fit, a great abs workout! It was just one of the many events on our annual game-day. We really missed Owen who was sick at home in Oxford.

Bella takes on Grandma Bonnie who forfeited for a great dislike of tetherball.

Jacob and Liam get into the action, however, Liam's sister Jordyn was not a big fan of this game . . .

. . . as she and Hailey--both strong athletes--played a short lackluster round.

The most exciting match-up of the day had to be Scott and Kevin who both had some serious grunts and laughs in their grueling duel.

A game of kickball in Scott's newly mowed Ankle-Break Park was hot and dangerous. Ashton's dramatic tumble on the way to first base was epic and hilarious thanks to his dad's laser precision throwing him out. We were all relieved when Ashton popped up from his fall laughing along with the rest of us.

A modified pickelball game was lots of fun. Thanks to Grandma Bonnie for providing all the paddles!

The turtles, lily pads and sunflowers basked in the ebbing light of summer. A dragonfly perched on my hand, hitching a ride for ten minutes while my sister and I kayaked the lake. O, glorious day!

Ashton and Heather work hard on the super cool but difficult wolf puzzle they provided.


Sweet Celebrations

Our neighbors have graciously loaned us this large purple gorilla for many specials occasions over the years, the latest being Isabella's Sweet 16 Surprise Birthday Party. Thanks to Jake and Hailey for helping us set up this monstrosity. She was definitely surprised.

We think Bella's favorite gift was passing her driving test and getting her license and a car a couple weeks later. Wow, the fourth and final Spry child is now on the road, covered in daily prayer by her parents!

All but the first Spry child were present on the beautiful last summer Sunday of September to celebrate Jacob and Hailey's impending nuptials. Bailey sent this sweet video greeting which was played at their shower . . . it's one of their favorite tunes by The Lumineers:


Happy Holidays...Biblical Appointed Times 5781

We walked out of Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement service on September 28, to this gorgeous rainbow, a reminder from Genesis of God's enduring covenant, never to destroy all life again by a world-wide flood.

"Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sin is put out of sight!" ~ Psalm 32:1

We enjoyed great teaching and fellowship with our brothers and sisters at Congregation Shema Yisrael for the High Holidays--Yom Teruah/Day of Trumpets (also known as Rosh Hashanah) and Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement. Excellent messages by Rabbis Loren and Glenn from various services can be found HERE on the website. The Aaronic blessing, known from Number 6:24-26, was sang by this very talented artist on Yom Kippur and also at yesterday's Shabbat service:

We enjoyed good food and fellowship in our sukkah, blessing the LORD for his bounty and the glorious future when his trusting followers will tabernacle with him FOREVER!

"And I heard a great voice out of heaven, saying: 'Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will tabernacle with them, and they will be His peoples, and God Himself will be with them as their God. And He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more nor mourning nor crying nor pain; they will be no more, because the former things have passed away.'” ~ Revelation 21:3-4


Autumn Vibes

Above: a tree frog soaks in some autumn rays of sunshine. Below: peak colors in Paris. ~ October 2020



If you can't join us November 1, on the sidewalk for Life Chain Sunday, go out any time with a friend to spend an hour praying and peacefully ministering on the same sidewalk at 6765 Orchard Lake Road in front of this West Bloomfield abortion mill. Above, women from Congregation Shema Yisrael's Pikuach Nefesh/Save a Life ministry pray with their feet.

Rabbi Glenn asks us, "Are you willing to put yourself at risk to rescue others? We are called to defend the defenseless. May we be willing to put aside, if necessary, our popularity, our comfort, our convenience, even our lives, in order to stand up against the evil that pervades our society." (From THIS message on the sanctity of human life.)

"Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, 'But we knew nothing about this,' does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay everyone according to what they have done?" ~ Proverbs 24:11-12

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